New hotel launch campaign with introductory prices on room bookings. We adopted a two-stage strategy and focussed on the Russian, Finnish and Latvian markets, but the campaign also resulted in bookings from the United States.
The aim was to promote a container hotel with a unique concept that was opening in Telliskivi Creative City in Tallinn and to offer the first guests the chance to book rooms using a discount code on the website.
What did we do to achieve this?
The channels we used in order to boost brand awareness in different target groups were Snapchat, Yandex, YouTube, the Google Display Network, Facebook, Instagram and Google searches. During the period after the hotel opened we added Waze as a channel, and we also used the SyncMe platform to synchronise data on key sites like Tripadvisor and Google Maps.
To boost brand awareness and scope we set up video advertisements on Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and in the Google Display Network. We used Snapchat in order to attract younger users from Scandinavia. With Snapchat it needs to be borne in mind that on quite a few markets you still can’t use advertising options (such as in Estonia). Yandex we used on the Russian market. The remaining channels were used throughout the branding phase on all markets.
Inimestele, kes lehte olid külastanud või esimese video olid ära vaadanud, kuid broneeringut ei olnud teinud, kuvasime remarketingi vormis pikemat videoreklaami, mis sisaldas endas kaastekstina konkreetsemat pakkumist koos sooduskoodiga.
We showed a longer video advertisement in remarketing format to people who had visited the page or watched the first video but hadn’t made a booking. This video included, as accompanying text, a more specific offer with a discount code.
With the search advertisement we primarily focussed on covering Tallinn- and tourism-related searches on the target markets. We later expanded the accommodation-related search keywords that at first had only been aimed at the Estonian market to include international markets, so as to move from raising awareness to more of a phase of intention. Here it should be mentioned that the growth in brand searches between January and February was 222%.
After the hotel opened we also added Waze and SyncMe (with the objective of local SEO) so that people looking for it would be able to find it. The main aim with SyncMe was to ensure that there was correct, appropriate and synchronised information about Hektor in all of the environments forming part of SyncMe.